Technische Universität München - Fakultät für Informatik
Biomedical Computing | Master of Science (M.Sc.)
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Studienort | Garching |
Regelstudienzeit | 4 Semester |
Studienbeginn | nur Wintersemester |
Fächeranteile | Ein-Fach-Studiengang |
Inhaltliche Ausrichtung | Auswahl |
Studierende | 46 |
Studienanfänger pro Jahr | 29 |
Frauenanteil | 37,5 % |
Berufsmöglichkeiten und Arbeitsmarkt
Berufsmöglichkeiten, ArbeitsmarktThere are numerous job opportunities created by medical engineering companies and hospitals seeking skilled computer scientists. Graduates holding a Master‘s degree in Biomedical Computing can pursue a career in research institutes or industry, in both theoretical and application-oriented fields. To name just a few, typical topics to work on include: imaging technologies for medical diagnosis, computer aided navigation in treatment and surgery, software for radiation therapy and medical visualization techniques. Especially Munich and its surroundings offer a vast array of potential employers. |
Beschreibung des StudiengangsBiomedical Computing (BMC) is an international Master‘s program of the Technische Universität München that aims at motivated above-average students holding a Bachelor’s degree in informatics, mathematics, physics or electrical engineering. Focusing on biomedical image computing and computer assisted interventions, BMC allows students to get introduced to medical data acquisition and management, medical terminology as well as physics of medical imaging. Students get also familiarized with medical image processing, visualization, advanced user interfaces and computer aided medical solutions. |
Gewichtung der Studienanteile
Gesamt | 120 CP |
Pflichtbereich | 66 CP |
Wahlpflichtbereich | 24 CP |
Abschlussarbeit | 30 CP |
Modulhandbuch, Studienplan | » Website |
PflichtveranstaltungenDuring the first semester, all students have to take mandatory fundamental medical science and technology courses worth of 20 credits. Computer Science majors can choose from advanced courses in mathematics, whereas mathematics and physics majors can select from a set of computer science courses. In the second and third semesters, students are taking additional mandatory courses related to medical fundamentals and electives in visual computing. | |
Mögliche WahlfächerThere are some mandatory electives in visual computing and courses from a list of general-interest lectures. You can find a more complete listing here: | |
Praktika | ja, obligatorisch |
Lehrsprachen | Englisch |
Anteil fremdsprachiger Lehrveranstaltungen | 100 % |
Auslandssemester | ja, freiwillig |
Bewerbung und Zulassung
VoraussetzungenThe Faculty of Informatics at TUM has prospective students take an aptitude test. For more information please refer to: | |
Zulassung | zulassungsfrei |
Sonstiges (Aufnahmeprüfung, Sprachtest etc.)-aptitude test (see above) -proof of knowledge of English for non-native speakers | |
Bewerbungsfrist Wintersemester | 31.05. |