Technische Universität Berlin - Fakultät IV Elektrotechnik und Informatik
Computational Neuroscience | Master of Science (M.Sc.)
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Regelstudienzeit | 4 Semester |
Studienbeginn | nur Wintersemester |
Fächeranteile | Ein-Fach-Studiengang |
Inhaltliche Ausrichtung | forschungsorientiert |
Studierende | 41 |
Studienanfänger pro Jahr | 17 |
Frauenanteil | 41 % |
Berufsmöglichkeiten und Arbeitsmarkt
Berufsmöglichkeiten, ArbeitsmarktGraduates of the program are well qualified for research positions in the interdisciplinary field of brain research or may pursue a career in the development of medical equipment or AI systems. |
Beschreibung des StudiengangsThe International Master Program Computational Neuroscience is interdisciplinary and strongly research oriented. Neuroscience is one of the most intensively developing and important sciences of the 21st century. Understanding the functioning of the brain requires the collaborative efforts of neurobiologists, neuropsychologists, cognitive scientists, medical researchers, computer scientists, mathematicians, physicists and engineers. Students who have completed the Master Program will have the ability to communicate across these diverse disciplines which will help them to make their own contribution to the fast growing field of neuroscience. The International Master Program Computational Neuroscience was initiated by the Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience Berlin. The Master Program is hosted at Technische Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, and Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin. Students enrol at Technische Universität Berlin. Language of instruction is English. The program currently offers 10 places with an excellent teacher to student ratio and a sense of familiarity among students. Upon completion of the program a Master of Science is jointly awarded by Technische Universität Berlin and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin |
Gewichtung der Studienanteile
Gesamt | 120 CP |
Pflichtbereich | 60 CP |
Wahlpflichtbereich | 37 CP |
Individual Studies | 3 CP |
Abschlussarbeit | 20 CP |
Modulhandbuch, Studienplan | » Website |
Musterstundenplan | » Website |
PflichtveranstaltungenFoundation (1st and 2nd semester) The modules ‘Models of Neural Systems’, ‘Models of Higher Brain Functions’, ‘Acquisition and Analysis of Neural Data’, each cover both the theoretical as well as the experimental aspects of the respective field. The modules ‘Machine Intelligence’ covers topics in machine learning and artificial neural networks. The module ‘Programming Course and Project’ teaches the students a programming language and how to use it to specify, develop, document and test a larger program. Additionally, in 3rd semester students will take an obligatory course on ethical issues and societal implications of brain research. | |
Mögliche WahlfächerWithin the first two semesters students also have the opportunity to fill gaps of knowledge by individual studies tailored to their needs with the aid of their mentor. Research oriented phase (3rd and 4th semester) The third semester is devoted to lab rotations. Every student will participate in research projects in three different laboratories affiliated with the Bernstein Center. Each of the three projects lasts for approximately two months. The projects will be tailored to give intensive hands-on experience to the students. They will carry out individual research projects, and will be supervised by a senior researcher. The three projects include at least one theoretical and one experimental project. | |
Praktika | nicht vorgesehen |
Lehrsprachen | Deutsch, Englisch |
Auslandssemester | ja, freiwillig |
Bewerbung und Zulassung
Schulabschluss | Allgemeine Hochschulreife, Abitur |
Zulassung | örtlicher NC |
Örtlicher NC | 10 |
Sonstiges (Aufnahmeprüfung, Sprachtest etc.)• a Bachelor or equivalent certificate ("erster Berufsqualifizierender Abschluss", e.g. German Diplom but not Vor-Diplom), typically in the natural sciences, in an engineering discipline, or in mathematics, • proficiency in English (non-native speakers should document this by the •- TOEFL test •-- 570 points in the paper based test or •-- 230 points in the computer based test or •-- 88 points in the internet based test), •- the Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency, •- the IELTS with at least band 7.0, •- the TOEIC with a minimum of 785 points (395 points in each section) •- or an equivalent certificate; a simple interview is not sufficient, • sufficient mathematical knowledge (i.e. at least 24 credit points) particularly in linear algebra (at least 6 credit points), analysis [including dynamical systems](at least 6 credit poins), probability theory and statistics (at least 6 credit points). | |
Bewerbungsfrist Wintersemester | 15.03. |